Chars For Mugen

Chars for mugen 1.0

  1. Chars Mugen Marvel
  2. Sonic Chars For Mugen

Characters; Heroes (Manga, Comics, TV) UPLOAD, SHARE, PRESERVE MUGEN FOR ETERNITY! A missing category? Request it here. The MUGEN ARCHIVE™. Chars for mugen from almost every video game fighting game like Mortal Kombat (Midway), King of Fighters (Snk), Street Fighter (Capcom), Killer Instinct and many more. For fans of animes, this database has hundreds of naruto Mugen, DBZ, Melty Blood. Mugen characters I'll add all types of characters to this database. From marvel vs DC to chibi naruto mugen chars. All the powerfull anime char like goku, sasuke and also comics characters like spiderman, batman etc. This is the code to convert chars to the super smash bros mod, I hope it will be very useful. Este es el codigo para convertir chars para el mod de super smash bros, espero que les sea de gran utilidad. Subject: Re: New Stance For mugen chars by Gartanham. September 9th 2018, 2:53 pm I really liked your stance, I hope you do not mind if I use some for my favorite chars.


Posts : 3940
Join date : 2012-12-10
Age : 30
Location : Retro Games World

Mk chars for mugen
many times ago, it was totally unthoughtful to believe the mvc3 chars will be done for mugen someday,but we have a huge amount of them done.
thanks for the new techniques of drawing and skilful creators these task and being concluded with success.
i would like to share my favorite characters for creation on this saga:


what are the yours?



“Mugen” is a completely free 2D fighting game that lets you create your own character or download a character off the Internet to fight another character. Most characters are downloaded as a zip file, which has to be opened by a program like WinZip or WinRar. You should modify several game files to add your character to “Mugen.”

It has robust support for adding characters, stages, custom character select, and menu screens. There are countless characters that are available online that people have made, ranging from recreations of popular characters to completely original creations. Adding all downloaded characters to your MUGEN game requires editing the configuration files.

How to Add Mugen Characters?

  • Download the character files for the character you would like to add. There are hundreds of characters that you should add to your MUGEN game. Character packs come in ZIP or RAR format. You can easily download these characters from a variety of different fan sites, including:

  1. Open the downloaded file. If its a ZIP file, you can just double-click it to see its contents. If it is a RAR file, you’ll need a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip to open the file.
  • Extract the files. Extract the ZIP or RAR file so that you can access the folder inside. You can use the Extract button that appears when you open the file, or you can right-click on it and select “Extract files”.
  • Examine your files. The most important thing to look for when examining your new character files is the character’s DEF file. This file must have the same name as the folder that contains it. For example, if the folder name is “LINK_3D”, the DEF file must be named “LINK_3D.def”.
  • If the new character folder has multiple DEF files in it, then just make sure that the base one matches the folder name. For example, LINK_3D may have multiple DEF files for the different-2 versions. As long as the “LINK_3D.def” file matches the folder name, you should be OK.
  • Open your MUGEN installation directory. MUGEN possibly can be installed anywhere, so open the folder that you extracted your MUGEN files into after you downloaded it. If you don’t remember where it is, perform a search on your computer for “Mugen”.
  • Now Copy the new character’s folder into the .char folder. You’ll find the char folder inside your Mugen folder. Drag the newly-extracted character folder into this folder.
  • Open the .data folder in your Mugen folder. This contains the files that control the MUGEN emulator.
  • Open the “select.def” file in Notepad. Right-click on the file and select “Open with”. Choose Notepad from the list of programs.
  • Find the .[Characters] section. This is the list of all of the character files that have been added to your game.
  • Type the name of the folder for your new character. The name you put here needs to match the folder you added to your chars folder, which also needs to match the name of the character’s DEF file. For example, if your new character’s folder is named LINK_3D, type LINK_3D in the [Characters] section.
  • If your character came with multiple versions, add the base DEF file to the end of the folder name. For example, if your LINK_3D character came with multiple versions, type LINK_3D/LINK_3D.def instead of LINK_3D. This will inform MUGEN to load the base DEF file, which will process the rest of the versions
  • There may be lots of comments in your “select.def” file. These are indicated by; at the start of the line. Make sure that you enter the characters on lines that don’t start with;
  • Set the character’s order for Arcade Mode (optional). You can set the “order” of the character, which determines where it will appear in Arcade Mode. For example, by default the Arcade Mode pits you against six Order 1 opponents, one Order 2 opponent, and one Order 3 opponent. You can set the order of a character from 1 to 10. The game will randomly draw from all characters with the same order when determining a match-up.
  • Add, order=# to the end of the character’s entry in the “select.def” file. For example, to set LINK_3D as Order 3, type LINK_3D, order=3

Assigning Stages

  • Download the stage files. Stages can usually be downloaded from the same places that you find character files. Like the character files, stages typically come in ZIP or RAR format.
  • Open the downloaded file to see the stage files. Double-click the ZIP file or open the RAR file to see the contents. Stages come with a DEF and an SFF file. There may also be an MP3 file if a soundtrack is included.
  • Move the DEF and SFF files into the .stages folder. You’ll find this folder in your Mugen folder.
    Now Move the MP3 file into the sound folder if the stage came with one.
  • Reopen the “select.def” file if you closed it. You’ll be adding the stage to your Stage Select screen, as well as assigning it to characters for Arcade Mode.
  • The “select.def” file is located in the data folder.
  • Find the .[ExtraStages] section. This is where all of your downloaded stages are added.
  • Enter in the path to your new stage. Start a new line beneath the existing stages and type stages/stageName.def.
  • Assign a stage to a character for Arcade Mode. If you want a certain character to always appear on a certain stage when encountered in Arcade Mode, you can add it to their character entry in the [Characters] section.
  • Add a comma (,) to the end of the character entry plus the path to the stage name. For example, to set LINK_3D to always appear on the Castle.def stage, you would type LINK_3D, stages/Castle.def.
  • Add the order of the character at the end of the entry. For example, LINK_3D, stages/Castle.def, order=3
  • Save the “select.def” file. Once you’ve added your characters and set the stages, you can save the file. Your all-new characters will appear when you start MUGEN.

MUGEN Characters FAQ’s

Q: How many characters are in Mugen?

A:My M.U.G.E.N Character Roster 2017 Over 3,000 Characters! – YouTube.

Q: How do I download Mugen characters?

A:Download and save a “Mugencharacter from a character site and unzip the file using a program such as WinZip, WinRar, or 7-zip. Copy and paste the unzipped file to your “Character” folder in the “Mugen” game folder. Right-click your character folder and select “Rename.” Type a name for the new character.

Q: What is the latest version of Mugen?

A:The most recent version of M.U.G.E.N to be publicly released is version 1.1 beta 1, which was released on August 7th, 2013, though the most recent stable build is version 1.0, released on January 18th, 2011.

Q: Is Mugen safe?

A:Downloading from the MUGEN ARCHIVE is safer than downloading from most hosting sites since we don’t use any malvertising. We only use regular google banners, the safest ads you can get.

Q: Is Mugen free?

Chars Mugen Marvel

A:How much does M.U.G.E.N cost to obtain? Nothing. The game is freeware and can be downloaded without any kind of fee. The same applies to the additional content.

Q: Is Mugen a virus?

Sonic Chars For Mugen

Q: What does Mugen stand for?

A:Survival. Survival Co-op. Training. Watch. M.U.G.E.N (also known as Mugen, MUGEN) is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte.

Q: When was Mugen made?


Adding a new character to Mugen might take a few minutes including minor edits of the configuration files. However, it’s easy once you’ve tried it a couple of times. May the best fighter win!

Did you find this method to work well enough? Is there anything else about Mugen that you’d like us to cover? Let us know in the comments below.